Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are You Scared of Disability Insurance?

I have had to face a hard truth; that not every financial professional wakes up in the morning wanting to sell disability insurance. In fact, several of my producers have confessed that they will only sell DI when their clients make them. I know that you are probably laughing at this statement, but ask yourself, "Am I laughing because it is so ridiculous or because it accurately describes my approach to DI?"

Why are some of the most experienced and accomplished professionals in our industry scared of disability insurance? The answer is simple; it is not like riding a bike. If you do not deal with DI on a regular basis, you will forget how it works. There are so many moving parts, definitions and rider; that it is hard to keep up. Because of this, many choose not to broach the subject with their clients.

What a hole this leaves in your client's financial plan. Your client's income is their largest asset. It is the foundation of every financial plan you make for them. Without it, bills aren't paid, retirement isn't funded, and a legacy is lost.

So, how do you protect your clients without getting bogged down in the minutia of a disability policy? You focus on the need. The policy is just a financial vehicle used to fulfill that need. Most clients do not need all of the bells and whistles that accompany disability policies. They just need something to help them pay the bills. At its core, all a disability policy does is pay a monthly benefit if you are unable to perform your job due to an accident or illness. That is it.

Remember to focus on the hole and how a disability policy can fill that hole. You don't have to make it overly complicated. Just think; a duck has made millions off of just saying that it helps if you get sick or hurt and can't work.